28 year old female patient
Her needs:
Cosmetic improvement desired
Wants to have whiter and straighter teeth without orthodontics (braces)
Harter Family Dental Care managed her concerns with:
Zoom teeth whitening treatment
Smile makeover design diagnostic mock up
Conservative (natural looking) ceramic veneers​
30 year old female patient
Scared of dentist, has not been to one for >10years
Never smiles and cannot eat properly – persistent dental pain on her back molars
Unhappy with discoloured teeth
Wants to be able to eat and smile with whiter teeth
Harter Family Dental Care treatment:
Removal of infected wisdom teeth and second molars under general anaesthesia.
Composite restorations (white fillings) to restore all cavitated (decayed) and cracked teeth.
Oral hygiene maintenance
Zoom Whitening
Conservative ceramic veneers and partial crowns for upper front teeth.
67 year old female patient
She presented with:
Dental anxiety
Self conscious about how her upper teeth look
Cold sensitivity when eating
Harter Family Dental Care treatment:
Composite veneers on discoloured canines and lateral incisors
Conservative (natural looking) ceramic veneers on cracked teeth
32 year old female patient
Missing upper right central incisor - due to an accident
Dislikes her existing partial upper denture
Would like alternative options to dental implant
Harter Family Dental Care treatment:
Resin-bonded ceramic bridge to replace the missing upper central incisor